
Getting started

Here is simple example creating a client for the API and getting the robot green1 kicking:

import rsk

with rsk.Client() as client:


  • import rsk imports the relevant Python package
  • The with statement ensures that the client will be properly closed at the end of the session. Especially, it forces the robots to stop moving at the end of the program.
  • client.green1.kick() asks the robot green1 to kick

When creating a client, you can also provide the following arguments:

import rsk

with rsk.Client(host='', key='') as client:


  • host is the IP address of the computer running the Game Controller
  • key is the team access key (by default, blank) that can be set in the Game Controller to prevent a team from controlling opponents robots

Accessing robots

Robots can be accessing using the following syntax:

# Shortcuts to access a robot

# Full syntax allowing dynamic access

Localization informations

Localization is polled using a thread and can be continuously accessed through the following variables:

# Robot position (x [m], y [m]):
# Robot orientation (theta [rad]):
# Position + orientation (x [m], y [m], theta [rad])
# Ball's position (x [m], y [m])

The field frame is detailed in the coordinates and markers section

Note: arrays are numpy array

Accessing constants

The module rsk.constants provide some useful constants (field dimensions, rules limitations etc.):

from rsk import constants

# Field length (x axis)
# Field width (y axis)

# Goal width

# Side of the (green) border we should be able to see around the field

See more constants in the source file.

Controlling the robots

Basic commands

To control the robots, you can use the following functions:

# Kicks, takes an optional power parameter between 0 and 1

# Controls the robots in its own frame, arguments are x speed [m/s],
# y speed [m/s] and rotation speed [rad/s]

# Go forward, 0.25 m/s
robot.control(0.25, 0., 0.)

# Rotates 30 deg/s counter-clockwise
robot.control(0., 0., math.radians(30))

Handling errors

If a command fails, a rsk.ClientError exception will be raised. You can catch it using:

    robot.control(0.1, 0, 0)
except rsk.ClientError:
    print('Error during a command!')

Such an exception will also happen if the robot you want to control was preempted by the Game Controller.


You can also use the goto method to send the robot to an arbitrary position on the field:

# Sending a robot to x=0.2m, y=0.5m, theta=1.2 rad
robot.goto((0.2, 0.5, 1.2))

Sends the robot to the position x=0.2, y=0.5 and theta=1.2 on the field.

Non-blocking goto

You can use the second argument of goto (which is wait, a boolean value) to tell goto not to block the execution of the program. This way, you can do something else at the same time without threading. Here is an example placing two robots:

# Placing two robots, the loop will block until both robots are placed
arrived = False
while not arrived:
    robot_1_arrived = client.green1.goto((0.2, 0.3, 0.), wait=False)
    robot_2_arrived = client.green2.goto((0.2, -0.3, 0.), wait=False)
    arrived = robot_1_arrived and robot_2_arrived

The second argument of goto is a boolean (wait, default True). When wait is True, the call to goto will block the execution of the program until the robot reaches its destination. When wait is False, the goto call will return immediately, after updating the instant velocity of the controlled robot, and return True if the robot reached, False else.

Use on_update callback

If you want to run some code everytime new information is obtained from the detection, you can register a method with the on_update field in client:

def print_the_ball(client, dt):

# This will print the ball everytime a new information is obtained from the client
client.on_update = print_the_ball

This can be convenient if you want to log data for further analysis, because you will log all information exactly once, and once it is received.